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Need a ride to the Lebanon VA Hospital, Contact DAV Lebanon VA

717-272-6621, ext.4596, or


for transport to Lebanon VAMC. 

Visti the Lebanon VA Hospital web page for lots of useful information.

Link to the Disabled American Veterans web page.

You can sign up for the DAV News Letter to receive current updates via email.

State Benefits Information Packet.

Request benefits information packets from State Veterans Affairs offices.





Eligibilty for Burial in a VA National Cemetary.
Veterans, service members, and some family members may be eligible for burial in a VA national cemetery. Find out if you, or a person you’re planning a burial for, can get this benefit.
To find out if you are eligibal for burial in a VA National Cemetary click the link below.

Pre-Need Eligibility For Burial In A VA Cemetery | Veterans Affairs
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Latest changes to the Veterans Choice program.

VA today announced a number of changes to make participation in the Veterans Choice Program easier and more convenient for Veterans who need to use it. The move, which streamlines eligibility requirements, follows feedback from Veterans along with organizations working on their behalf.

“As we implement the Veterans Choice Program, we are learning from our stakeholders what works and what needs to be refined,” said VA Secretary Bob McDonald. “It is our goal to do all that we can to remove barriers that separate Veterans from the care they deserve.” To date, more than 400,000 medical appointments have been scheduled since the Veterans Choice Program went into effect on November 5, 2014.

Under the old policy, a Veteran was eligible for the Veterans Choice Program if he or she met the following criteria:

  • Enrolled in VA health care by 8/1/14 or able to enroll as a combat Veteran to be eligible for the Veterans Choice Program;

  • Experienced unusual or excessive burden eligibility determined by geographical challenges, environmental factors or a medical condition impacting the Veteran’s ability to travel;

  • Determined eligible based on the Veteran’s current residence being more than 40 miles driving distance from the closest VA medical facility.

Under the updated eligibility requirements, a Veteran is eligible for the Veterans Choice Program if he or she is enrolled in the VA health care system and meets at least one of the following criteria: 

  • Told by his or her local VA medical facility that they will not be able to schedule an appointment for care within 30 days of the date the Veteran’s physician determines he/she needs to be seen or within 30 days of the date the Veteran wishes to be seen if there is no specific date from his or her physician;

  • Lives more than 40 miles driving distance from the closest VA medical facility with a full-time primary care physician;

  • Needs to travel by air, boat or ferry to the VA medical facility closest to his/her home;

  • Faces an unusual or excessive burden in traveling to the closest VA medical facility based on geographic challenges, environmental factors, a medical condition, the nature or simplicity or frequency of the care needed and whether an attendant is needed. Staff at the Veteran’s local VA medical facility will work with him or her to determine if the Veteran  is eligible for any of these reasons; or

  • Lives in a State or Territory without a full-service VA medical facility which includes: Alaska, Hawaii, New Hampshire (Note: this excludes New Hampshire Veterans who live within 20 miles of the White River Junction VAMC) and the United States Territories (excluding Puerto Rico, which has a full service VA medical facility).

Veterans seeking to use the Veterans Choice Program or wanting to know more about it, can call1-866-606-8198 to confirm their eligibility and to schedule an appointment.  For more details about the Veterans Choice Program and VA’s progress, visit:


Veterans Choice Program.   See the latest changes to the Choice Program above. as of 12/6/2015


About the Program

 Many Veterans will now have the option to receive non-VA health care rather than waiting for a VA appointment or traveling to a VA facility.

Beginning November 5, 2014, the new Choice Program will begin to cover non-VA care for eligible Veterans enrolled in VA healthcare. Veterans are eligible if any of these situations apply to you:

  • You have been told by your local VA medical facility that you will need to wait more than 30 days from your preferred date or the date medically determined by your physician

  • Your current residence is more than 40 miles from the closest VA health care facility

  • You need to travel by plane or boat to the VA medical facility closest to your home

  • You face a geographic challenge, such as extensive distances around water or other geologic formations, such as mountains, which presents a significant travel hardship

 Every Veteran will receive a letter and a Choice Card in the mail with details about the program. Veterans will be eligible for the program and receive cards in three phases:

  • Veterans who may live more than 40 miles from a VA facility.

  • Veterans who are currently waiting for an appointment longer than 30 days from their preferred date or the date determined to be medically necessary by their physician.

  • All remaining Veterans enrolled for VA healthcare who may be eligible for the Choice Program in the future.

 To set up an appointment with a non-VA provider, call the VA at 866-606-8198 and we will work with you to ensure you are approved for care in your community.


Additional Program Information

  • The Choice Program does not impact your existing VA health care or any other VA benefit.

  • If you are satisfied with your wait time at a VA facility and wish to continue waiting for VA care, there is nothing you need to do at this time.

  • Non-VA care is only covered by VA for medical needs which have been approved by your VA physician. We can happily schedule an appointment for other medical needs, but the we can only cover the cost of care related to your VA-approved health needs.

  • The Veteran Choice Program is part of the Veterans Access, Choice, and Accountability Act of 2014 (VACAA).



How to Get Started


 To get started, you’ll need to pick a non-VA provider, gather some info and give us a call in order to set up an appointment. We will work with you to ensure you are approved for care in your community and schedule you with a local care provider of your choosing.


Steps to Getting an Appointment
  • Decide which non-VA health care provider you would like to use.Search the list of approved care providers in your community.

  • Make sure you have information on hand about any other health insurance coverage you may have.

  • Call 1-866-606-8198 to make sure you qualify + schedule an appointment.When you call, we will walk you through the following steps:

    • You will be asked to enter your ZIP code, and first and last name.

    • We will check to make sure you are eligible for this program.

    • We will check which of your needs are covered by the VA.

    • You will be asked for your address and the name of your preferred non-VA provider. Unfortunately, not all providers will be covered so if your preferred provider is not available, we will recommend other providers in your area.

    • We will then work with you to schedule an appointment.

 This hotline is exclusively for making sure you are eligible for the Choice Program and setting up a non-VA care appointment. If you have questions about other aspects of your VA medical care or want to learn more about enrolling in VA health services, please call 1-877-222-VETS or visit


For mre information click here to access Fact Sheets.


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